Great Questions Asked by Curious People

When Are Your Meetings
We meet on the 2nd Monday of the month from 7PM-9PM in the LBHS Library.

Will I Have To Dedicate A Lot of Time If I Become A Member?
No!!! You dictate how much time you can dedicate to help!

How Can I Help?
Become a Member! We have many volunteer opportunities that only take 1-2 hours of your time! They include:
Concessions, Parking Cars, Fundraiser Planning, Committee Member

What Do You Do?
We raise money by fundraising and concession sales to put back into the athletics clubs at LBHS. We discuss as a group the best ways to support our athletes and work towards bettering the environment they play in.

Will I Fit In?
Yes!!! We have members from all walks of life and each has their own way of contributing!

What Fundraisers Do You Do?
LBBC Benefit Dinner and Auction
Blues Festival Car Parking
Christmas at the End of the Road
Football Concessions
Basketball Concessions​
Volleyball Concessions